Free your money - The future of finance without banks

Discover unlimited financial freedom with our revolutionary account platform.

  • Absolute Absolute control and freedom
  • No account blocking possible
  • Anonymity and security
  • Global and accessible at all times
  • For the whole family
  • For companies and online stores

Exklusive Community!

Exchange with like-minded people and a personal contact person.

24/7 Support

100% decentralized without having to do without support from the provider.

Brand new updates

All functions still available in 2024.


Absolute control and freedom

Manage your money without the restrictions and fees of traditional banks.

No account blocking

Forget the fear of arbitrary account blocks. Our platform relies on complete user control.


Anonymity and security

Protect your financial privacy with our secure, anonymous account solution.

Global and accessible at all times

No matter where you are or where you're traveling, your money is always just a click away.


For the whole family

Transparent. Secure. With your own budgets. So you always have an overview of your finances.

For companies and online stores

Add employees. Create reports for accounting. Let your customers pay in crypto. Everything is possible.

As I travel a lot internationally, I enjoy the limitless possibilities and maximum flexibility.
I have no desire for complicated technology. The simplicity of the application convinced me.
I'm so excited that I'm telling all my friends about this new financial freedom.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

  • Our platform offers you unrestricted financial freedom without the fees, restrictions and distrust that often comes with traditional banks.
  • Yes, completely. We offer a secure, decentralized and anonymous account solution that protects your privacy.
  • All services of the decentralized account are free of charge. Services can be added if required, e.g. interfaces to the central financial world or solutions for companies and the self-employed.
  • Absolutely. Our platform is globally accessible, so you can manage your money anywhere, anytime.
  • Yes, you can create a separate account for family members or give them alternative access to yours. You have full control, can allocate budgets and create reports.
  • Simply request an appointment for a demo. I will explain the platform in detail and answer all your questions in a 20-minute meeting. If you wish, you can get direct access to the platform. Simply enter a secure e-mail, receive a 6-digit code and enter it. Create your account. Done.

Arrange a free demo!

By entering your details, you can secure a free and non-binding appointment via video conference (Zoom). You will then receive an e-mail confirming your registration. You can then book your personal appointment. We will take 20 minutes and I will explain the platform to you in detail.

Your contact person
Christian Dankbar

Connector | Marketer | Investor | Coach